Service accounts run critical scheduled tasks, batch jobs, application pools, and more across a complex network of databases, applications, and file systems both on premise and in the cloud.
Despite their importance and critical dependencies, service accounts become stale and vulnerable without ongoing management. Plus, privileged credentials are often shared across service accounts, so access to one provides access to many, expanding your attack surface and increasing your risk.
Management of service accounts is often neglected since updating or changing credentials is risky. It’s difficult, if not impossible for many, to map and keep track of business services that rely on these accounts.Make sure new service accounts adhere to PAM best practices.
Full-featured, free trials get you up and running fast
Discover privileged accounts, vault credentials, ensure password complexity, delegate access, and manage sessions.
Seamless service account governance from discovery and provisioning through decommissioning.
Enforce least privilege for cloud-hosted servers and centrally manage policies from the SaaS platform.