• Dereshe Towers
  • Info@securepoint.co.ke
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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Content Overview

Digital marketing is a type of advertising used to advertise and sell goods and services online. It is the process of using various online marketing channels, such as email, social media networks, and search engines, to connect with your target market.

You may locate people who are interested in your offering through digital marketing, engage with them, and develop brand loyalty.

There are many different types of digital marketing, but the most significant ones are affiliate marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and video marketing.

Digital marketing strategies that are used by different brand across the world.

·       Website Marketing

·       Search Engine Optimization

·       Pay-Per-Click Advertising

·       Content Marketing

·       Email Marketing


·       Social Media Marketing

·       Affiliate Marketing

·       Inbound Marketing

·       Mobile Marketing

·       Video Marketing


Reasons why you should Invest in Digital Marketing

The future of marketing in Kenya is definitely digital. With that said, there are very many reasons that you should use the digital space to market your products and services in Kenya.

  • The future is digital – Statistics show that more and more Kenyans are going online with the internet penetration rate standing at 89.8%. With the rise in popularity of the smartphones, digital marketing will definitely be the future of marketing.
  • It is CHEAP – If you compare digital marketing to other traditional forms of marketing, you get a better return on investment with digital marketing. We all know how much Kenyans love anything cheap 😊
  • It is Measurable – When it comes to digital marketing campaigns, you can easily get all the statistics about the performance of your campaign. You can measure the effectiveness of everything you do. Now, tell me how many people saw the billboard you set up last month. Well, the best you can do is approximate.
  • The world is now an open market – Digital marketing has made the world an open market and your reach is now unlimited. You can practically market to any part of the globe that you wish to. Imagine how much of a hustle it used to be for tour operators in Kenya with their target market out there? Now all they need is a computer connected to the internet.

If your business is not online, you are simply losing on so many clients that could boost your revenue.Getting started with digital marketing in Kenya is very simple and cheap. All you need is the internet.Start where you can and refine the strategy as you go.

Learn from your competitors wins and mistakes and constantly better your campaigns online.Encourage reviews and testimonials. Get feedback from your clients so that you can improve on your products or services.

Make digital marketing the best decision you made for your brand this year and invest in it fully.

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